Willingness to Serve Form

Now is a great time to volunteer and become actively involved in NAON. Please fill out the form below and hit ACCEPT at the bottom of the page. You may check as many of the boxes as you wish. You will receive an e-mail confirmation within a week that we received your form.

Your information will be sent to the committee chairs depending on which area(s) of service you are interested in. You may be contacted directly by one of these people to discuss present volunteer opportunities. Please note that NAON proudly accepts Willingness to Serve Forms from its members throughout the year; however, the most active time for filling positions is between January and May.

Interested in an Executive Board position? View the roles and responsibilities.

Interested in becoming involved in a Committee, Taskforce or other Volunteer Role? View the realities of each position.


Visit the Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board (ONCB) and the NAON Foundation websites for information about volunteering with either organization.

Questions? Feel free to contact the NAON National Office at 312.321.3708 or naon@orthonurse.org.

Please note: Committees and task forces are formed prior to Congress each May; most positions are filled on a May through May calendar. Therefore, there may not be openings for the position(s) in which you indicate interest at this time. All forms are kept for a period of one year from the time of submission. NAON volunteer committee/task force chairs and/or liaisons make every attempt to contact all who fill out forms; however, we recommend that you contact the National Office at naon@orthonurse.org if you do not hear from a NAON liaison 6-8 weeks after submitting a form.