Partner News | 11.16.2023
November 2023: Partner News

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Movement is Life Summit 

Movement is Life (MIL) became a 501c3 in 2022. Since then, we have been busy implementing our initiatives to move the needle on racial, ethnic and gender disparities by promoting movement to improve health outcomes. We also developed a new website and are planning our annual meeting, which is now called the Movement is Life Summit. Our meeting dates for 2023 are November 30 - December 1 at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel. Click here to register for the Summit.


Risk Management Articles brought to you by NSO 

Incident Reports: A Safety Tool

Incident reports are a valuable resource for keeping patients safe. They also can help identify system-wide problems such as insufficient staffing or a lack of equipment to help move or reposition patients, which often contributes to staff injuries. So that patients and employees can benefit from incident reports, nurses need to understand their use. They also need to know how to complete and file a report correctly to protect themselves and their organization from the report being used as part of legal action in a lawsuit brought by a patient.

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