President's Message | 9.20.2023
Skeletons are on the way! How Strong is yours?

Happy almost Skeleton season!  I hope you are gearing up for an amazing October.  October brings with it an exciting time as we will celebrate Osteoporosis Awareness Day October 20 and International Orthopaedic Nurses Day on October 30.  There is a small but mighty team of NAON nurses and representatives of American Bone health who are conducting a study about the bone health of nurses. 

Do you know if you are at a high, moderate or low risk of sustaining a fracture?  If you are over the age of 45, you are invited to use the American Bone Health Fracture Risk Calculator to assess your risk of sustaining a fracture.  After learning your fracture risk, you can opt in to learn more about bone health by receiving a series of six emails with bone health information.  Three months later, you will be invited to take a 15-20-minute online survey assessing your bone health behaviors and nursing practice. 

It is our hope that we help you understand your risk factors and bone health practices as well as understand if your gained knowledge and behaviors influence how you care for people.

We have been recruiting for the study since February and we still need more nurses to take the Fracture Risk Calculator, receive the emails, and take our survey.  Our team is thrilled that we have had nearly 300 people who through our recruitment efforts know their fracture risk.  Unfortunately, very few have completed the survey that was sent out by American Bone Health for us to understand the impact of knowing your fracture risk on your health behaviors and who you may share your bone health knowledge.

Click here to use the Fracture Risk Calculator

Be sure to scroll down to “General questions about you” to begin the quiz.

After you learn your fracture risk, be sure to opt in to receive the weekly emails about bone health from American Bone Health.

While you are enjoying seeing all of the skeletons around town, will you think of your own bones and help us learn more about nurses’ bone health?  I wish you a happy and strong skeleton season.

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