Saturday, May 18
Opening General Session
Pivot to Positivity
Speaker: Megan Eddings
Introducing the positivity powerhouse, Megan Eddings is a dynamic and inspiring speaker who empowers businesses, organizations and individuals to reach their full potential, through positivity and resiliency.
Her expertise in transforming mindsets, through storytelling, has earned her a reputation as a sought-after speaker, with a proven track record of enhancing minds and implementing change, both personally and professionally.
NAON General Session
Breaking Down the Process: Getting Started with Orthopaedic Nursing Research and Quality Improvement Projects
Speakers: Candy Mori, PhD, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, ONC; Candy Mori, PhD, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, ONC
Members of the NAON Research Committee will discuss how to get started with orthopedic nursing research and quality improvement projects. Topics will include differentiation between research and quality improvement, planning and implementing a research study or quality improvement project, and the process for applying for grant funding through NAON.
Sunday, May 19
NAON Foundation General Session
Evaluating Evidence Based Bone Health Education Interventions in Orthopaedic Nurses
Speakers: Lori Fitton, PhD, APRN, FNP, BC, CCD; Patricia Donohue, APN; Amber Kujath, PhD, RN, ONC
This session will explain the impact of osteoporosis on public health. Key findings from a research project focused on bone health education interventions will be discussed. Areas for future bone health educational opportunities by orthopaedic nurses will be outlined.
This session is partially funded by a grant from Radius Health, Inc.
ONCB General Session
Oncologic Margins and Navigation for Orthopaedic Surgical Resections
Speaker: Rodolfo Zamora, MD
This session will provide an update about navigation technologies and use in orthopaedic oncology and joint replacements, discuss oncologic margins in orthopaedic oncology, and how to recognize the advantages of navigation and robotic surgery.
Monday, May 20
Closing General Session
Social Determinants of Health: The Orthopaedic Nurses Role in Promoting Health Equity and Improving Patient Outcomes
Speaker: Charla Johnson, DNP, RN, ONC, FNAON
With the anticipated future requirement to capture SDoH into the patients EHR as part of their story, nurses have the opportunity to influence and advocate for health outcomes and health equity. In addition, nurses will be able to influence the integration of SDoH into data collection and clinical workflows. SDoH are the conditions where people are born, live, work, learn, worship, play, and age in (ODPHP, 2021a). These conditions are known to influence the majority of individual health outcomes (CDC, 2018). SDoH include health-related social needs (HRSN); and social, economic, and environmental factors (Magnan, 2017). Factors addressed within SDoH are health behaviors such as (tobacco, diet & exercise, alcohol and drug use, and sexual activity), clinical care issues (access to care and quality of care), social and economic factors (education, employment, income, family & social support, and community safety), and physical environmental factors (air & water quality and housing & transportation) (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2021; Magnan, 2017). SDoH impact patient clinical outcomes in the orthopaedic population. Screening can be used to mitigate complications and care transition issues.